2015.11.01 15:09
今日のプーさんぽ!! Today's Pooh walk
オータムギンザ開催中の銀座では、今日から3日間開催の『銀座八丁神社めぐり 2015』が人気の様で“きもの白”近くの朝日稲荷神社(あさひいなりじんじゃ)には、行列が出来ていましたよ♪
We introduce pictures that are taken when Winnie-the-Pooh look-alike owner goes for a walk with his pet dog named Rikiya and Ginza.
Pooh walk pictures of the day "Lantana"
by kyoko
We introduce pictures that are taken when Winnie-the-Pooh look-alike owner goes for a walk with his pet dog named Rikiya and Ginza.
Pooh walk pictures of the day "Lantana"
by kyoko